Keep An Eye Out is as ridiculous as it gets. Thanks to director Quentin Dupieux, this 73-minute feature has the suspense and humor lined up to make it worthy of one’s viewing.

It takes place in a police station interrogation room (minus all the flashback scenes), with Chief Inspector Buron (Benoit Poelvoorde) is lining up a story from primary suspect Louis Fugain (Gregoire Ludig) about why there was a dead body lying outside of his apartment complex. What makes it so leisurely entertaining is the progression of the events with the fixed number of characters. Fugain wants to go home as he is tired, but Buron intends to get more knowledge about what occurred and continually questions Fugain’s actions.

In the middle of this, Buron steps out and has a one-eyed cop who became cheated through the system, Philippe (Marc Fraize), observe Fugain. He takes out a ruler (not usually seen unless standing in a geometry/trigonometry class) and accidentally impales himself in the eye when looking for his badge. Fugain hides the body in the locker, giving him a further incentive to leave as quickly as possible with the gags (and tension) coming into play about a dead body hidden in the primary setting. It is Mr. Bean-level absurdity.

Dupieux orchestrates his feature nicely in that it never disengages the viewer, keeping them intrigued by what other twists he has. There is the smoke coming out of Buron’s shirt and the man at the beginning of the film in swim trunks commanding an orchestra. There is even a moment when a guy opens the locker with the body sitting in it and does not notice it. And to top it all off, the ending is even more ridiculous. It is a film that is on-par with the juvenile and silliness of the 1980 Airplane! movie.

The only slight hit to this film is that it does not make Fugain’s flashbacks that interesting (other than the supporting cast budding in to alter the memory). At some parts, it drags. Perhaps Dupieux and the production team could not have found any other locations to revel in for the sake of the story. Then again, they sought to bring out the humor in a short-feature film, so it slowly fades away upon thinking about it.

Dupieux created a zany, bizarre film, and that’s sometimes all one can ask for in today’s day and age.   

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